Posted: 19/04/11
College donates Easter eggs to Women’s Aid
A charitable tradition is being upheld at West Nottinghamshire College this Easter – for the sixth year running.
Each year staff from the college’s health, welfare and safeguarding team encourage students to collect chocolate Easter eggs to donate to Mansfield and Ashfield Women’s Aid (MAWA).
This year over 60 eggs have been donated to the charity to pass on to children of women benefitting from MAWA’s help and support. Linda Faulkner, from the charity collected the eggs from the college today (20 April).
Sharon Warner-Millns, a health, welfare and safeguarding adviser at the college, said: “Many mums from MAWA don’t have much money for luxuries like Easter eggs and gifts for their children so it’s great that our students can help.
“Our students enjoy being able to support people living in our community in this way and we’re proud of their continued involvement in this appeal.”
MAWA has been operating since 1989 and provides safe, temporary accommodation for women with or without children escaping domestic abuse. Women living in the refuge and safe houses have all been the victims of domestic abuse and have had to leave the area in which they live for their own safety.