Posted: 16/03/15
Staff and students stub it out
West Nottinghamshire College’s health and welfare team were on hand last week on national No Smoking Day (11 March) to support staff and students who want to quit the habit.
Students Tia Marsh and Hollie Pearson are both determined to kick the smoking habit
Health, welfare and safety team leader Andrew Wainman said: “We work closely with the NHS New Leaf scheme throughout the year so that we can offer advice on smoking cessation not only to students, but to staff as well.
“Our team can offer advice and focus to help individuals who are going through the challenges of kicking the smoking habit, while New Leaf can provide a nicotine replacement programme.
“I hope this week’s awareness-raising at the college can help more people decide to improve their health by giving up smoking.”
A Level students Tia Marsh and Holly Pearson, both 17, were keen to get advice on how to stop smoking.
Tia said: “I’ve smoked since I was 15 and it’s time I got healthier. I want to give up as I want to spend my money on other things like posters and tee shirts.”
Holly said: “I want to get some advice from the stand as I’ve smoked since I was 14 and sometimes I get out of breath quickly. It’s time to stop.”