Our websites

West Nottinghamshire College Group operates a number of websites that support our growing business.

The Corporation

News and media centre

Our communications team exists to provide a fast and responsive service to journalists and all members of the local, regional and national media.

We aim to provide a speedy response to all media enquiries and a regular supply of newsworthy and factually-accurate news releases.

All news releases are published in the news archive section and can be used freely for publication.

If you cannot find a news release you are looking for or if you have a media enquiry, please contact:

Richard Skelhorn

Communications Manager
01623 900529 - communications@wnc.ac.uk

Rebecca Howarth

Communcations Officer
01623 900527 - communications@wnc.ac.uk

We aim to provide a first-class service. If you have any comments or suggestions about how we can improve, then please let us know.